First, THANK YOU for following my Mindset Made Simple Tips each week.
I hope they are helping you make small mental adjustments in your performance and in life.
Please share the weekly tips with your friends and colleagues. I would love your help in growing those I reach. They, and you, can sign up for my blog and subscribe at www.ssbperformance.com.
The real reason for my unusual Wednesday post is that I want to share an opportunity for you to think about YOU for a change.
As a part of our Institute for Women, Wellness & Work at Ursuline College, we are offering a free 30-minute webinar filled with ideas about how we can manage our Personal Energy next Tuesday, February 16th at 12:00 p.m. EST.
We spend a ton of time preparing others - our kids, our players, our employees - to succeed. Yet we tend to move from task to task...practice to practice...day to day without much thought about what we are doing to take care of ourselves which directly affects our personal and professional success.
As we discuss in mental training, teambuilding and team culture, we know our thoughts, emotions and actions have a ripple effect. For us…these things can ripple like waves!
The information I will share is not rocket science, but there is science to back up all the suggestions I will provide.
The tips, like some of my mindset tips, are not earth shattering. We intuitively may know what we need to do to be more productive and present.
But knowing what to do and doing it are two different things!
I started practicing what I preach this week and have made a pact to only respond to emails 2 times a day. Research shows that productivity skyrockets when we do this but doing it is hard and to be honest, I was a bit afraid to try it. I’ll let you know how it goes at the webinar 😊!
So, join me to find out what you can do to be a better version of you for your players, your staff and most importantly, your family!
Click here to register. If you can’t make it, sign up anyway and get a copy of the session to view at your convenience!
If you read my Mindset Made Simple Tips and find any value in them at all, this information is for you!
I hope to see you on Tuesday! If not, sign up anyway and listen on the bus or the plane!
Remember, if you email me, you won't hear back until 10:45 am or 3:00 pm ...we'll see how this goes!
Have a great afternoon!